Thursday, January 16, 2014

Here's Your Chance At Greatness

“Great moments are born from great opportunities.” – Herb Brooks

When you start telling Christians that they can be great, especially those in ministry or service areas, they tend to react as if you asked them to take off their cloths and dance on a table.  I am a person who believes in success, personal achievement and yes, greatness.  When I speak in a church or for a Christian group, without fail someone will come to me and say, "We are not to be great."  Really?  What Bible are you reading.

                My Bible tells me that I was made in the image of the greatest being that ever was.  In fact, I was chosen by my Creator to be part of His great master plan for all mankind.  To me, that says there is nothing I cannot do, with excellence, that God has called me to.  Yes, I have fallen short - very shot.  I have sinned and disobeyed Him over and over again.  Yet, His plan for me was such that He sent His only Son, innocent and flawless, to die on my behalf so that I can complete the plans He has for me.  I find that too amazing for words.

                As coaches, we are here to help those who come to us understand that they can fulfill God's plan for their lives.  Our task is to encourage, develop and motivate those who come our way to be their very best for God.  How can we do that if we really believe that we cannot be our best.  I believe that the greatest discoveries in the world can and will be made by Christian people.  But how can that be if we tell them that cannot become great.

                Understand that greatness is not an ego thing.  Ego tells us that we are better than everyone else and that all others are inferior.  Ego does not require action or fact, it just requires one to believe more in themselves than in God or other people.  Greatness on the other hand takes work and thought and the awareness that you can, in fact, do all things through Christ.  Greatness does not require for us to be perfect.  It only requires that we do our very best.  It requires that we be excellent, and that is not perfect.  Does God deserve anything less from us?

                As you are coaching others to pursue their dreams and all that God has for them, encourage them to be great.  You too my friend, you be great.  Each and every person you talk to allows you an opportunity to be a part in what God has for them.  That is an awesome privilege and should be treated as such.

                I have often prayed that God did not have to allow me to change the world, I just want to find the person who will.  I see every person I come in contact with as someone who may be the one to change it all.  They may be used to find a cure for cancer, to discover the unknown or walk on other planets.  God is capable of anything so I should never limit what He can do in others.  See people this way and it will change the way you treat them and help them.

                We as coaches have the great blessing to pour into the lives of others the fuel they need to move forward.  What we are not given is the knowledge of what God will do with that person.  You could be talking to a Jonas Sulk, Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan or a Billy Graham.  You do not know so you must see each as someone who God will do great things with.  By doing that, you allow Him to do great things with you.

John Patrick Hickey is an author, speaker, and Life Coach. To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at or   © 2014 John Patrick Hickey

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Jack!

    I really appreciated the balance you brought to the subject with the ego paragraph. More people need this message. I also like that last paragraph when you said that "[we] must see each as someone who God will do great things with." This is so true!

    Think about how Christ looks at us. I mean, we each have many flaws, yet he does not seem to focus solely on those. He looks at our potential. He sees what we could become as we seek his presence in our life. Powerful!
