Thursday, December 4, 2014

Don't Skip The Details

"Well done, good and faithful slave.  You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your Master."
- Matthew 25:21 / NASV

If there is one thing that I have seen the most over my many years as a coach, it is that people with dreams, big dreams, always want to do the big thing and not the little things.  It is almost like they see the small details of their journey as beneath them and of little importance.  The fact is, it is the little details in our lives that bring success, not the big dramatic events.  As coach John Wooden said, "It's the little details that are vital.  Little things make big things happen."

                When you are coaching with someone who has big plans, help them to first see the importance of the details.  Things like, writing out a clear and energizing goal on paper so they can read it daily; having a step by step action plan to follow that includes the small things that need to be done; and of course taking daily action to move forward.  These things may not be as glamorous or inviting as some big event, but without them the big events will never come to be.

                One way you can always tell who will succeed and who will not is by seeing who does the small stuff.  Success-minded people know that it is in the small stuff where true success is found and they are always willing to do them.  Unsuccessful people see the small stuff as a bother and not worth their time.  These people never achieve and always will blame others for their failure.

                Always remember that you matter to the world.  God placed you here to make a difference and that difference is good.  You possess the qualities of a real success-minded person, which are to: Be your best.  Love God.  Have good manners. Discover the unknown.  Change the world.

John Patrick Hickey is an author, speaker, and Life Coach. To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at or   © 2014 John Patrick Hickey

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