Thursday, August 28, 2014

Pointing the Way

  “The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don't tell you what to see.”
– Alexandra K. Trenfor

"A wise man will hear and increase in learning,
and a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel."
- Solomon
The Book of Proverbs 1:5 / NASV

One of the best things that I experience while coaching or mentoring someone, is when they suddenly understand a truth or principle on their journey to success.  I did not tell it to them, not did I manipulate them in its direction.  I simply pointed to way and allowed them to make the discovery.

                When these principles of success are discovered by the clients themselves rather than being told, the truth stays with them.  Have you ever been studying the Bible and read a portion of Scripture that you know well, have heard it taught and could almost recite it from memory, and suddenly it jumps out at you?  "Oh," you cry, "so that is what it means."  It is clear, understandable and you never forget it.  That is because you made the discovery yourself.

God made you that way
                We were created to be a thinking creatures.  We have the ability to think, learn, solve problems and discover.  Look around you.  Everything you see was discovered by someone.  There was a person who thought of it and in the process made a valuable discovery.  Yes, I know that God creates all things, but He does it through people.  He did not one day say, "Let there be a car" and there it was.  It took people, the people He created to think it up, work it out and make the many discoveries it takes to build a car.

The search
                Now, we know that God can do all things.  Then why do you suppose He did not just put everything we have here for us to enjoy?  Why do you think He chose humans to do them?  I believe that, being created in His image, we were made to think and create.  Not on a supernatural level (we are not little gods) but on a very natural level.  God gave us His word and He points the way, but we have to make the search.  If humans in their laziness (as some are) choose to sit by and let life happen to them, they have the choice.  But for those success-minded people who choose to make life happen, the ability to discover is endless.

Don't tell, point
                We too need to help those we coach to find the way on their own.  You can give them the information, point to the path for them to follow, but do not tell them what to see, do or think.  That is for them.  Trust that the Holy Spirit will lead them into all truth, as He has promised to do.  It is easy to just tell people what to think and believe, but fight the temptation.  You are a guide not a dictator.  Allow people to grow and become who God has chosen them to be.

                You matter to the world.  You are here to make a difference and that difference is good.  Remember the qualities of a real success-minded person: Be your best.  Love God.  Have good manners. Discover the unknown.  Change the world.

John Patrick Hickey is an author, speaker, and Life Coach. To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at or   © 2014 John Patrick Hickey

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