Thursday, May 8, 2014

If You're Not Reading You're Not Growing

“A man's reading program should be as carefully planned as his daily diet, for that too is food, without which he cannot grow mentally.”
– Andrew Carnegie
(1835-1919) Industrialist

We all have our own campaigns we pursue.  These are things that we really believe in and promote in every way, and at every occasion we can.  For me it is reading.  I believe that the ability to read is one of the greatest gifts to human kind.  Readers grow and learn wonderful things and they discover that life is full of limitless possibilities.  Readers are leaders and there is nothing that can stop the success-minded person who develops a strong habit of regular reading.

                I want you to ask yourself this: "How many books have I read in the last year?"  The answer to that question will answer all others you have in regards to your achievement in life.  It is a known fact and much research has proved it over and over again.  People who have a regular habit of reading do more, know more and achieve greater things than those who do not.

                Here is a shocking statistic.  Over 45% of college graduates claim they never read another book since they left school.  That is unbelievable to me.  These are also the people who never grow beyond where they are when the graduate, they do not dream or seek to achieve greatness.  I am reminded of the classic Mark Twain quote when he said, "The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot."

                Back to your question.  How much do you read?  Do you have a regular reading program you have set up for yourself?  If not, I strongly encourage you to do so.  When you set your goals each year, add to it how many book, and what kind of books you will read in the year.  It only takes a few moments a day to read enough to have earned a Doctorate in just a matter of a year. 

                There are two excuses that must never come from a success-minded person.  They are: "I have no time to read"' and "I really don't like reading."  We all have time that we can read.  If you have time to watch TV, movies, nap or just waste, you have lots of time to read.  I love Groucho Marx statement, "I find TV very educational.  Every time someone turns it on I go into the other room and read."

                Make reading a regular part of your daily routine.  Reading can and should be fun, enjoyable and informative.  You can read book relating to your area of work or interest, fiction, biographies, history, or whatever interests you.  You will find that when you make reading a habit, it will pay off in wonderful and profitable ways.

                You matter to the world.  You are here to make a difference and that difference is good.  Remember the qualities of a real success-minded person: Be your best.  Love God.  Have good manners. Discover the unknown.  Change the world.

John Patrick Hickey is an author, speaker, and Life Coach. To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at or   © 2014 John Patrick Hickey

1 comment:

  1. John, I love this because it goes very nicely with Chuck Swindoll's daily devotion for today about dreaming.
